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Chat with an A.I.

Have conversations in real time over the course of several days with an experimental artificial intelligence from 1985. Do we really need to say anything else?

The Cold War Reignites?

Of course, this is a Soviet military AI that doesn't know the Cold War ended and the USSR dissolved. What could possibly go wrong?

Choose the World's Fate!

It's been working for thirty years in isolation, and now only you can help it or stop it...what will you choose? Your choices could change the course of history.

Based on History

and written by Brad Becker, former chief design officer of IBM Watson, K.O.M.R.A.D. is an entertaining introduction to where we've been with A.I. and where we might be going in the near future.

SPbanner Light@2x

Sentient Play was founded in 2015 by Brad Becker, former Chief Design Officer of IBM Watson, to use art, artifice, and artificial intelligence to create magical experiences for people.

Sentient Play is based in Austin, Texas.