K.O.M.R.A.D. Overview
Your phone or Apple Watch chimes with a text message from an unknown number. In broken English, you’re informed that your online accounts have been hijacked—passwords changed, identity stolen. You can get it all back in return for a simple task: hack into a Russian computer untouched since the 1980s and probe it for useful information. How, exactly? That’s where your people skills come in, because K.O.M.R.A.D. isn’t any ordinary computer—it’s an experimental Soviet artificial intelligence that doesn’t know the Cold War ended.
Playing out as a real-time conversation between you and the roused AI, K.O.M.R.A.D. is a psychological narrative game based on real history and real technology. What does a Cold War era computer know, what assumptions will it make, and how can you gain its trust? Find out through brief text exchanges delivered via push notifications over several days. If you manage to make K.O.M.R.A.D. your ally, you can use this powerful technology for good. And if you fail, well, the fallout might be nuclear.
Inspired by 1980s text adventures and Choose Your Own Adventure-style gamebooks, conversation games such as K.O.M.R.A.D. will tell stories via interactive dialogues optimized for Apple Watch and other mobile devices, in short bursts convenient for playing on the go and with branching outcomes that tailor consequences to players’ choices.